
Class 5

At Norton Church of England Primary School we provide stimulating and enjoyable lessons which support the children’s love for learning! Throughout their time in Year 5, all children will be supported in developing their sense of independence, individuality and finding their feet in upper KS2, in readiness for Year 6 and beyond.


Our topics this year will be: Ever changing Britain, WW2: bunkers, bombs and Blitz and Extreme earth. Where possible the topics will cover many subjects such as Geography, History and English. We also have some excellent Science topics this year which include: forces, materials, life cycles and Earth and space- which is always a firm favourite!!


Alongside each unit we support children in extending their knowledge of the world around them, allowing them to thrive in modern Britain and have the wisdom to preserve the beauty of the earth. In Year 5 we learn about the refugee crisis, writing persuasive letters to Boris Johnson to plead for greater support for those in need, in the past this has led to a response from the House of Commons. We also celebrate life in different cultures, looking at the famine and lack of resources across the world, using our geography and design and technology skills to develop a water purifying system. In our summer unit we develop an alarm for rising water levels for our local town Tewkesbury, as part of our exciting river and extreme earth topic.


At Norton we strive for children to lead fulfilled lives and to understand how events in the past have changed our lives today. The class reflect on the acts of Martin Luther King, writing their own ‘I have a dream speeches’ reflecting on how discrimination and inclusion has progressed over the years, they then perform these to the school community. School trips such as the Spring ‘world war Two steam railway ‘experience further develops their understanding of how the heroic events of WW2 is at stark contrast to our lives today.


Art, design and technology is a key part to the Year 5 curriculum, particularly in building resilience and understanding that mistakes are part of the evaluative process. Some of our topics include: Banksy (printing), the Bayeux Tapestry (embroidery) and make do and mend (fashion).


Reading- we expect children to be reading regularly at home: the benefits, both academic and social, are huge! In Year 5 the children take independence by filling in their reading records themselves, rather than the adults. Children are encouraged to borrow books from our class or school library and to bring in blankets for our cosy reading sessions in class. The link below takes you to ‘100 recommended books for Year 5’ as a guide to possible book choices for your child that they could source from local libraries https://www.thereaderteacher.com/year5.


Homework is set every Wednesday and a spelling test will occur on the following Wednesday. Homework will include times tables rockstars ( https://ttrockstars.com/)  , spellings and one piece of maths homework to interrupt the forgetting of previous content taught.


We hope that all Year 5 children will enjoy the year, always striving to be the best they can so that they are ready for their transition to Year 6 and the added responsibilities which come with this.